Garnett, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A quick look at the population and steets of Garnett City, South Carolina, will show that it is composed of about 3,258 people, with almost 38% of residents being white. Another significant group is Hispanic, with 0.0% of the population identifying themselves as such. This community has a median home price of $71,400, with an appreciation rate of 3.8% over the past 10 years.

The median household income in Garnett is $31,518. There are 33 households in Garnett, with an average size of 2.91 people. The median age of the population in Garnett is 30 years old, with a male median of 31 and a female median of $19,856. Garnett is a primarily agricultural area, with three major industries: agriculture, manufacturing, and agriculture.

The population of Garnett is approximately 3,251 people. According to the Geographic Names Information System, the population of this city was 3,060 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Anderson County, Kansas. Its location is at an elevation of 1,060 feet above sea level. The city is located in the (785) area code. You can learn more about Garnett by reading this overview.