Gramling, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Gramling city is approximately 790 people, and is one of the largest cities in the state of Mississippi. It is home to approximately 49% families. Grambling is one of the smaller cities, and has fewer foreign-born residents than nearby Choudrant, Louisiana. The city has a small percentage of people who are 60 years old or older, and the percentage of people who are single is relatively low.

The percentage of men who have never been married is 8% in Grambling, Louisiana. However, women are not as likely to be single as men are. The proportion of women who have never been married is also low in Grambling, and the population of women who are divorced is higher than in Ruston. Overall, Grambling has the lowest proportion of men and the highest proportion of women in the state.

Demographics for Grambling city are available from the United States Census Bureau. According to the latest census, the population of Grambling city is estimated to be 5,167 people by 2020. This number is slightly smaller than Ruston, Louisiana, which has a population of 21,987. The population growth rate of Grambling is 4.4% compared to the state and national averages. Grambling also is home to Lincoln Preparatory School and Grambling State University.

The United States Census Bureau has released demographic data for Gramling City, which is the most comprehensive source of information on the area. This data is updated annually, and whenever new data is available. However, the information contained herein is not guaranteed to be accurate or complete. It is provided as a guide only, and should not be relied upon for specific recommendations. Once you have read these demographics and have a better understanding of the city, you can start building a plan for a successful move.