Greeleyville, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Greeleyville, SC is composed of 100 white residents and 249 black residents. Three percent of the adult civilian population is composed of veterans. Additionally, about 3.01% of the population is hispanic. The most common ancestry is Irish, followed by British and Northern European. Among the black residents of Greeleyville, the highest concentration is Scotch-Irish.

The violent crime rate in Greeleyville, SC is low compared to surrounding cities. There are only 10 reported violent crimes per thousand residents. In addition, the city has fewer residents who live near parks and recreational areas. Nevertheless, these parks may have higher crime rates. Nonetheless, crime occurs where people are. Therefore, these statistics should help anyone choose a neighborhood. But how do you choose the safest neighborhood in Greeleyville?

The median household income in Greeleyville City is $23,023. This is lower than the median household income of nearby ZIP codes. The most common mode of transportation for Greeleyville residents is a vehicle. A slightly higher percentage of Greeleyville residents travel under half an hour to work. On the other hand, a smaller percentage of the city's residents use other modes of transportation to commute.

According to the 2010 census, there are about 128 people living in Greeleyville, SC. The population of Greeleyville City is very diverse. The youngest residents make up nearly a quarter of the total. The oldest residents, with an average age of 36 years, make up the other quarter of the population. If you're looking to buy a house in Greeleyville, SC, it might be best to invest in a house with a higher-quality interior.