Irmo, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that Irmo City, SC has a diverse population? Its population is comprised of 7.23k White people, 4.12k Black or African American people, and 291 Two+ residents. Of the total population, only 3.6% is Hispanic, which is slightly above the national average. But, there are plenty of reasons to consider moving to Irmo!

The majority of residents of Irmo City are married. There are 80% married-couple households. The highest proportion of married couples is found in the Lake Murray of Richland CDP, where 89% of households are headed by a husband and wife. However, there are still plenty of single people in Irmo. And, for all those single residents who want to make Irmo their permanent home, you can find a number of other amenities in the area.

One of the best ways to understand the demographics of an area is to look at the percentage of different generational groups. This information can help you find out areas where the majority of retirees live. Also, you can see how much of the population is under twenty years old. This data is important for employment research, as it can help you find out where there are a lot of retirees.

As of the 2010 census, there were 11,097 people living in Irmo. That number is expected to rise to 12,734 by 2020. However, there are some other important facts that you should know before moving to Irmo. While Irmo is located in a growing area, it remains a relatively small town. This is because the town is surrounded by several large urban areas.