Jenkinsville, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Jenkinsville City, SC, the population is made up of a diverse group of people. The most common race is white, but the city is also home to a significant minority of people who identify as black or African-American. Many of the people who live in Jenkinsville also claim European, Asian, or Pacific Islander ancestry. The most common language is English, but other languages are also spoken.

In the state of South Carolina, English is the most common language. In Jenkinsville City, 100% of people over the age of five speak only English or speak it very well. This percentage is higher than the national average, which is 91.5%. It's important to note that this city's population has grown over the years, but it still has some room for growth.

In terms of age groups, Jenkinsville City has a large number of young people. Twenty to thirty-year-olds make up only 3.6% of the population, while the largest age group is forty to fifty-year-olds, with 17.9%. Only Pomaria has a higher percentage of this age group than Jenkinsville.

In terms of education, Jenkinsville has a low level of education, with 0% of the population earning a college degree. Additionally, its per capita income was only $24,308, which is lower middle class compared to the rest of the US. For a family of four, this equates to about $97,232 a year.