Lake Wylie, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Population & Steets in the Lake Wylie City? Lake Wylie, SC is a small city located in South Carolina. The population is approximately 12885. The median age is 43. The majority of residents live in single-family homes. There are approximately 1.01 males for every female. Most residents commute to work by car. There are two cars per household in Lake Wylie, SC.

Data on the population of Lake Wylie can be found on the U.S. Census Bureau's website. You can view the percentage of residents by race and ethnicity, and you can even see which groups make up the city's population. For example, a city with a high percentage of African-American residents is less likely to be as diverse as a smaller city. You can see Lake Wylie's diversity map in the following link.

Another important factor is the wealth of the residents. The Lake Wylie area has a low poverty rate compared to the rest of the U.S. The local poverty rate is 3.90%, while the national average is 14.1%. However, South Carolina has a high rate of poverty: 16% of the population is below the poverty line. In addition, the cost of living in Lake Wylie is higher than the national average.

Violent crime is low in Lake Wylie. The violent crime rate per resident is less than one crime per year. It is comparatively safer than the other cities in the city. The city's southwest neighborhood is the safest, with violent crime rates averaging only one violent crime per 1,000 residents. While the city is safer than many surrounding cities, it still has a lower violent crime rate than the average South Carolina and national cities.