Latta, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are planning a trip to Latta, SC, you can get some valuable information about the area by checking out the population and steets in the city. The following are the cities and towns that are close to Latta, SC. You can also find out the distance from Latta to nearby cities. You can use the distance calculator to find out how many miles the cities are from Latta.

Latta has a population of approximately 1,273 people. Most residents commute between 25 minutes to work and 22 minutes to school. The median home price in Latta is $111,800. Over the past decade, Latta has experienced 7.9% home appreciation. If you are looking for a place to live in Latta, you should consider a short visit to the city. You will love the historic district and the local attractions.

Violent crime rates in Latta City are low. The southwest portion of the city is considered to be the safest, with a rate of violence of four. By contrast, if you live in the south part of Latta, your risk of becoming a victim of a violent crime is one in 144. It is not as easy to compare violent crime rates, but the map will be similar to the population maps in neighboring states.