North Augusta, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a list of the population and steets in North Augusta City, South Carolina. These statistics provide a general overview of the community. The wealth index is based on a combination of indicators of affluence, such as average household income and net worth, and the value of material possessions. The values listed in this table represent wealth relative to the national average, with values above 100 representing higher wealth, and below zero meaning lower income. The table below shows the wealth level of North Augusta City in comparison to the other 397 incorporated cities in South Carolina. The highest value represents the city Ranked #1. The lowest value is within the 75th percentile, while the highest value is found in North Augusta, SC.

The population of North Augusta City was estimated to be 93,500 at the 2010 Census. The town's median family income was 71% higher than the state median in 1969. In 1994, the town's two largest employers were Savannah River Site and the Graniteville Company. North Augusta's government is comprised of a council of residents. This mid-sized city is home to several cultural centers. Riverview Parks and Creighton Living History Center offer a range of activities for visitors.

According to the United States Census Bureau, North Augusta, SC had 7,330 households in 2000. The most common household size was two people. Forty-two percent were headed by married couples. Thirty-five percent of households were non-families. The remaining 30.5% were made up of individuals. Ten percent of the population lived alone, including senior citizens. Overall, the average household size in North Augusta City was 2.35.