Pelzer, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for information about Population & Steets in Pelcer City? If so, you've come to the right place. Below you'll find the population and the number of people living in the town. You can also find out about the various jobs available in the town. This article covers some of the most important facts about Pelzer City. Keep reading to discover the many different ways to get information about this town.

In Pelzer City, SC, the majority of residents are married. There are only a few individuals living on their own. The median house value is significantly below the state average. There are also a low unemployment rate and a high percentage of black and hispanic people living in the area. Finally, the percentage of college students is above the state average. Listed below are some important facts about Pelzer City, SC.

Pelzer City is a town in Anderson County, SC. It is located on the Saluda River. As of the 2010 census, the population was 89. If you're wondering what's going on in Pelzer City, SC, check out the area on the map below. If you're planning a road trip, don't forget to check out these nearby cities and towns. You can also choose cities within four hours of Pelzer, SC.

Income inequality in Pelzer, SC is relatively low in comparison to the national average. The state's income inequality index (GINI) is 0.211% lower than the national average. This is good news for businesses trying to reach the local market. In South Carolina, men are 1.4x more likely to be under the poverty line than women, so this means you should be targeting these individuals. You can also determine how many people own homes, which will help you assess their demographics.