Pinopolis, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To understand the population and steets of a city, it is helpful to examine its crime rate. A crime map in Pinopolis City will show a number of crimes per thousand residents. However, the city does not have a large number of retail establishments, so crime rates in these areas are often low. Crimes are most common in blocks with few people, so the color of the area does not necessarily reflect the danger level for the city's residents.

There are a number of statistics about poverty in Pinopolis City. According to the United States Census Bureau, 0.00% of Pinopolis City residents live in poverty. That compares to 14.1% for the entire U.S. population. Another interesting fact about Pinopolis is that only nineteen percent of the adult civilian population is under the age of fifteen. In South Carolina, the poverty rate is 11.7% for non-workers. Amongst the population of 35-44 years, males are most likely to be married. Non-citizens include those who are not U.S. citizens and who are not legal permanent residents or citizens. They include international students, temporary workers, humanitarian migrants, and illegal immigrants.

The majority of homes in Pinopolis City are built during the nineteenth century. Pinopolis was also a summer retreat for Charleston residents during the Civil War. The town's residents chose a quiet existence over a vibrant city. They did not attempt to bring a railroad to the city or make it the county seat. The city's residents also resisted the Santee Cooper Project, which flooded almost seventy thousand acres of land in the south. Fortunately, Lake Moultrie was completed in 1946, saving the city. Lake Moultrie has changed the setting of Pinopolis.