Reevesville, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be interested in the Population & Steets in Reeedsville City, SC. You can get this information by looking at the Census Bureau's most recent figures. According to the US Census Bureau, the median household income in this city is $49,750. Also, you can find out the poverty rate in this city. In general, Reevesville is a middle-income town.

Reevesville is a mid-sized coastal city in South Carolina. It's about forty miles north of Myrtle Beach and sixty miles south of Savannah. Temperatures are pleasant in October, May, and April. The wettest month is July. There are plenty of recreational activities in Reevesville. Whether you're in town to enjoy the beautiful coastal weather or you're looking for a quiet getaway, there's sure to be something for you.

Reevesville's population has increased by about three percent since the last census. As a town, Reevesville's average household income is $65,765. The poverty rate is about 3.43%. Rents in Reevesville are $1,188 per month, while the median home value is $124,400. Reevesville's median age is 43.9 years old. The median ages of males and females are 43.3 years old.

Reevesville's local poverty rate is lower than the national average. However, its unemployment rate is still higher than the national average, so it is important to consider the median income for the city. Aside from the poverty rate, the state's average cost of living, coronavirus, and crime statistics can be helpful for you to plan your future relocation. You can also find out more about the community's school and employment rate.