Rembert, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for an address in Rembert City, SC, you've come to the right place. Our list of the cities closest to Rembert City is below. These big cities are convenient for traveling, as well as useful for booking flights. Read on for a closer look at the cities nearest Rembert. Population & Steets in Rembert City:

The population of Rembert is diverse and reflects the city's ethnic makeup. In terms of race, the greatest number of residents in Rembert are African-American and Black. English, German, and Yugoslavian ancestry are also represented. There are also several non-citizen residents of Rembert, with the highest percentage of people being 45-54 years old. Non-citizens include legal permanent residents, international students, temporary workers, and illegal immigrants.

In terms of economics, Rembert is a moderately-sized town. There are 2,172 households in Rembert and a median housing value of $66,300. The average household size is two people. Rembert is home to a population of 1.14 males for every one female. Rembert's median age is 60 years old, with a ratio of 1.14% males to one female.