Salley, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Salley is estimated at 424 as of 2020. This makes Salley the 201st largest city in South Carolina and the 14018th largest city in the United States. The city's median house value is below the state average. There are fewer Hispanic residents than other racial and ethnic groups in the city. The median house age is also higher than the state average.

The median property value in Salley, SC is $85,000, which is 0.353 times smaller than the national average. The median homeownership rate in Salley is 54.4%, which is slightly lower than the national average. The median commute time is 35.7 minutes and the majority of residents drive alone to work. Approximately 287 people live in Salley, SC, and there are fewer than 100 foreign-born residents.

The median household income in Salley is $1,333,333. The city has a child poverty rate of 66.3%, and 42.3% of residents live below the median income. The median gross monthly rent in Salley is $571. Sixty-seven percent of the population has an active broadband Internet connection, which is the highest in the city. It is important to note that the median household income in Salley is low compared to the state average, as this is indicative of the quality of life in the city.