Six Mile, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the Population & Steets in Six mile City? Check out this article for more information. Located in South Carolina, Six Mile City is home to approximately 918 people. The median household income is $60,208. You can also find out how much poverty is prevalent in Six Mile City by looking at the number of people living below the poverty level. The following statistics may help you determine how many people live below the poverty line in Six Mile.

One way to gauge the quality of life in this city is to look at the number of people who are facing eviction. Some areas have lower eviction rates than others. For example, the Fair Play neighborhood had fewer evictions than Fair Play did in 2016.

The Demographics in Six Mile City are helpful when you're deciding whether or not the area is for you. While it's possible to buy a home with a view of a beautiful lake, it's also helpful to check out the schools in the area. The top public schools in the area include R.C. Edwards Middle School and D.W. Daniel High School.

As of the 2010 Census, the population of the town was 675 people. This represented an increase of nearly 20% since the 2000 census. This number included 200 households. Forty-one percent of the households were family units and 67 percent were married couples. One-fourth of the households were single people, with eight percent of the households being headed by a female. Interestingly, the town's median age was forty years, which is a low number by any standard.