Summerton, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering what the Population & Steets in Summertoon City look like, keep reading. We've compiled some statistics for you, so you can see if Summerton City is growing or shrinking in the demographics that matter to you. There are 30,000 people living in Summerton and a population of over 1,100. The city's public schools have about two dozen white students, and Connors was recently appointed headmaster of Clarendon Hall High School. The headmaster has a friendly, gregarious demeanor, and has been teaching physics, chemistry, and biology in the school since 2003. He's also turned his coaching duties over to his son.

In 2018, Summerton City had a median age of 42.3. The majority of residents were White and Black, with a population of 0.4% Hispanic. The area's median household income was $29,257. There were also four people over the age of 60 living in Summerton, with a total of 4.7 homeowners per household. The median household income was $29,825 and the average household income was $44,513. Summerton residents are highly educated with a high school graduation rate of 60%. A total of 48% of residents have a college degree.

While Summerton has a relatively diverse population, the majority of its population is African American. Public schools serve 1,100 students and only two dozen white students. After the court-ordered desegregation in 1970, many residents of the town sent their children to private schools. The remaining students remained in the underfunded public schools. Almost half of Summerton's ninth graders fail to graduate from high school within four years.