Sumter, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Sumter City, SC, the median age of residents is 32.5. This figure includes both native-born residents and foreign-born residents. Residents are growing older. While the median age for Sumter residents was 32 in 2018, it was 32.5 in 2019. In addition, there are several people of foreign origin who live in the city, and the most common racial and ethnic groups include White and Black.

This town was incorporated as Sumterville in 1845 and shortened to Sumter in 1855. Since its beginnings as a plantation settlement, Sumter has risen in size and population. The city is named for General Thomas Sumter, the "Fighting Gamecock" of the American Revolution. While the downtown area is nondescript, housing is relatively attractive to the north. Its population is currently 39,439, which is down 0.1% since the year 2020.

According to the 2010 census, one-third of the city's residents were below the poverty line. One-third of the population is estimated to be under the age of 18. Compared to the national average, the area is home to a variety of ethnic groups, including African Americans and Hispanics. One-third of the city's residents live below the poverty line, making the city a desirable place to live.

To find Sumter's demographics, you can use the Sumter ZIP Code to search for a local address. You can also find Sumter's school address by going to its page. A map will give you directions to the nearest school, library, and post office. The Sumter library and school are easily accessible using Google Maps, and their websites provide detailed information. In addition to detailed information, they have online maps.