Timmonsville, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A look at the population and steets of Timmonsville shows that the residents are mainly white and non-Hispanic. They live in an area where public transportation is scarce and driving is the most popular mode of transport. The average commute is about 26 minutes. About 31% of the population use their own cars to commute to work, while the remainder use public transportation. Few people commute by foot.

The population of Timmonsville is slightly over two thousand people. The majority are middle-aged professionals, with a smaller proportion of young professionals. The median income in Timmonsville is around $660 a month, which means that renting an apartment is an attractive option. Renters will save over $3,000 a year. While the town may seem small, it has plenty to offer. With the exception of one small manufacturing company, you can find a home that's close to the city center.

The Timmonsville Police Department is independent, and operates under the National Policing Act. Funding comes in the form of federal grants and is subject to numerous oversight procedures. The administration bureau offers various budget management, personnel service, and logistical data. The Chief of Staff office serves as a support system for the Police Department Chief, and has a field operations bureau for the officers. Police officers can be resigned if they don't perform to expectations.