Colman, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the population and steets in Colman City, South Dakota, you have come to the right place. Here you can find the most important information about the city. Its median household income is $61,667. Approximately 68.6% of the population lives in a home, while 31.4% rent their home. In addition, a lot of Colman residents work as a part-time job, making it easier to find a job in this community.

The official zip code for Colman, SD is 57017. This zip code belongs to the Multi-counties. It is part of the Sioux Falls (Mitchell) metro area, and portions of it are within the city limits of Colman, SD. The zip code is categorized as a Lower Middle Class zip code. There are a variety of other information about Colman.

The town has a large Irish Catholic community, which was stable until the end of World War II, when it began to decline as a result of an influx of Germans from the east. Fortunately, the local church continued to adapt to the new needs of the community. In the 1930s, it opened the first preschool in the city. Later, it expanded its role to provide social services to the community, launching a recovery program and literacy projects. It also established a housing project for elderly residents.

The Coleman population development icon is one of the most important features of this map. Clicking it will take you to additional information about the selected place. For example, you can find out how many residents live in each age group, gender, and race. The data for these indicators is based on census blocks. You can view the statistics on any street in Coleman using the map. In addition to a map, the Coleman population development icon will show you other information about the selected place, including its economic impact.