Elk Point, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're considering moving to Elk Point City, SD, you should know what to expect. Compared to other cities, Elk Point has a much lower population density than most. That's good news for those looking to make the city a home base. Below, you'll find the population and steets statistics you need to know. The median home value in Elk Point is $151,300. This is 0.75% less than the national average.

When it comes to racial makeup, Elk Point is fairly white. Only one-third of the local population is African American. Elk Point's 18-to-64 population is comprised of 119% white people. Another 16.9% is Hispanic. That makes up 17.8% of the civilian population. The remaining 2.6% of the population is Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander. In addition to racial and ethnic diversity, residents of Elk Point speak a variety of languages.

Elk Point is one of five cities in Union County. It is a rural city. The official USPS name is ELK POINT, South Dakota. Parts of the city are in Elk Point, SD and Akron, IA. It is in the 712 area code. Residents in Elk Point are classified into two different types of communities: census designated places and governmental entities. A census designated place does not have a governing authority and exists only for statistical purposes. It can include two separate governmental entities, but can also extend to other areas.