Enning, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to understand the demographics of Enning City, SD, it is important to know how many white people, 2.8% black, and 1.4% Hispanic people live in the city. You can also find out about the median household income. The median income in Enning is $45,833, whereas the average household income is $56,067. Moreover, there are also some demographic statistics that can help you evaluate your target audience for local advertising. For instance, 86% of the Enning residents are high school graduates. On the other hand, 53% of residents drop out of college.

Although Enning Road was recently reorganized on the eve of the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games, there are still many problems with its street interface. These include damaged paving, broken streetlights, and dirty walls. Furthermore, there are several traditional Lingnan dwellings that still represent the rich culture of the Lingnan people. However, visitors to Enning Road will most likely be left feeling tired after watching. The lack of proper nodes and breathing spaces will affect the visitor's experience in the city.

57737 is a ZIP code for Enning, SD, which is in the Rapid City metropolitan area. While 57737 is primarily located in Meade County, it also includes portions within and outside the city boundaries. The area code is 605, and this ZIP code is classified as Lower Middle Class. The current unemployment rate for this area is 2.4%. The average home value in Enning is $100,000.