Fedora, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to a population count, how about a population & steets chart for Fedora City? This is a great tool for comparing towns within a certain radius. For example, you can look at a list of the nearest big cities or small towns to Fedora, SD. There are several different ways to get this data. For instance, you can try looking up cities within four hours of Fedora.

The population of Fedora is 28 people, and the average commute time is 21.3 minutes. This is significantly less than the national average of 26.4 minutes. The median home price in Fedora is $39,900, and over the last 10 years, it has appreciated by 3.2%. To learn more about the community, you can visit Fedora City's website. However, remember that the data here are for reference purposes only. If you are planning to move to Fedora City, make sure you look for real estate agents who have experience in the area.

What's the Population & Steets in Fedoray City? Fedora is located in central Africa. With a population of only 23, it is an ideal location for small businesses and home owners. You'll want to know how many people own their homes, so you can determine what demographics are right for your advertising campaign. In addition to knowing the median income, you'll want to learn how many people are living in Fedora at any given time.