Fort Thompson, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Fort Thomson City? The following information will help you understand the demographics of this city. Fort Thompson has a higher than average crime rate compared to the surrounding areas. As a result, it is less safe than the state and national average. If you are concerned about your safety while living in Fort Thompson, consider moving to another part of the state.

The population of Fort Thompson, SD is above average compared to other cities, but there are some factors that can make this city more affordable than others. The cost of living is much higher than in many other cities in Dakota County, but the quality of education is above average. Fort Thompson has a higher than average crime rate, which may be a good sign. However, you should be aware of other factors that could impact your quality of life.

The median household income in Fort Thompson is $23,594 per year. The median income in Fort Thompson City is $22,188. Fort Thompson has a lower than average income in many categories, but there are still plenty of opportunities to improve your quality of life. In Fort Thompson, SD, you'll find a variety of opportunities. A city's population is dependent on its economic conditions. If you're looking for a better way to make your money, consider moving to a small town.

The median household income in Fort Thompson, SD is $47,278. This is lower than the national average. In Fort Thompson, SD, men make $13,075 more than women, making the city more unequal. However, it is still important to understand the economic conditions of the people in Fort Thompson, SD, because they are more likely to make more money than women in South Dakota. The income gap in this city is lower than in many other cities in the country.