Fruitdale, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In addition to census information, Fruitdale, AL also provides data on race and ethnicity. The map below shows the racial makeup of Fruitdale, with the percentage of different races represented by their population. The color of each circle indicates the racial majority, while darker shades indicate a larger percentage. For more information, see the page on the diversity of Fruitdale. For more information about the different races in the city, see our detailed fruitdale, AL, population and ethnicity.

When looking for a home in Fruitdale, you might consider the neighborhood as well. Are the houses all similar? Do you have to park your car in the garage or is it crowded with other residents? Consider these factors before buying a new home. Consider whether you would enjoy living in a quiet neighborhood or a bustling city. You may also want to consider the area's walkability score.

The area's low income levels are indicative of the diverse character of the neighborhood. A majority of the people live in households with an income below the federal poverty level. A low income level indicates that the area's residents are not financially stable. A fruitdale family with a monthly income below the poverty level has a difficult time getting by. Those earning above the poverty line are considered middle-class.

Fruitdale is the third-largest city in South Dakota by population. Its population is 34% higher than the state average. The median household size is 2.7. Fruitdale's median income is $56,050. Fruitdale is the cheapest city in South Dakota for people on a budget. With this low income, residents have fewer options and higher prices. And because of the poor economy, many businesses cannot afford to hire extra staff.