Herrick, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Herick City? This information is not always intuitive. However, the Herrick violent crime map is not dissimilar from the state's population map. It gives a basic count of violent crimes. Central Herrick has about two violent crimes per year, compared to 0 in west Herrick. But crime rates in Herrick do not reflect the quality of life of residents.

The FBI has not yet released statistics for Herrick, Illinois, so you may have to trust your own instincts. The most recent data was released in September, 2021. If you live in Herrick City, make sure to visit the library and school pages. These information are helpful for planning your trip and keeping your community safe. And if you do happen to visit Herrick, you can always take advantage of CityTownInfo's free criminal background check.

In 2010, there were 197 households in Herrick, Illinois. Of those households, thirty-seven percent of residents were under the age of eighteen. Eighty percent were married couples; there were also 8.6% of female households without a male householder. Another thirty-five percent of households were made up of single adults, which makes up one-fifth of the population. In addition to this, 15.7% of the population in Herrick was senior citizens who lived alone.

The population of Herrick, Illinois is primarily comprised of people who are sixteen years of age or older. Eighty-seven percent of residents have a high school education, and only nine percent have a bachelor's degree or higher. The median household income in Herrick, Illinois is around $39,219, making it a highly prosperous city in its own right. Aside from that, Herrick is home to some of the best schools in Illinois.