Howes, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the population and steets in Howes City? This article will explain how to find out how many people live in this town. The first thing you should do is visit the city's official website to learn more about the local population. You can also learn more about the history of Howes and find out what the community was like before settling there. There are several historical landmarks located in the area.

Howes, South Dakota's population is 325 people. There are 47 households and a median home value of $118,750. There are 1.08 males to every woman in Howe. As a whole, the population is expected to increase by 0.9% during the next year. The median household income in Howes is $33,125. The average household income in Howes is $45,851 and the area has an 88% high school graduation rate. More than 70% of people in this town attended college but did not pursue it.

The first settlers of the Howe area arrived during the Texas Revolution in 1836. It is believed that the last Indian battle in Grayson County was fought in Howe. In 1843, Jabez and Harriet Haning were given land through a Peters colony. In 1873, the Houston and Texas Central Railroad came through the town. Originally known as Summit, the community was later renamed Howe.