Kranzburg, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the Population & Steets in KraNzburg City, South Dakota, you've come to the right place. You can find all sorts of information here, including demographics, crime rates, and more. But, how do you find out the current population in KraNzburg City? Read on to discover more. We'll take a look at some basic statistics about this small South Dakota town.

This small town is located in South Dakota, in the state of Codington. The official postal code for KraNZburg is 57245, and the ZIP code includes both the city and ZIP+4 extension. KraNZBURG has a population of around 172 people, and the ZIP code includes its last four numbers and the extension. If you're wondering how many people live in KraNZburg, SD, it's easy to find out by searching online.

The percentage of foreign-born residents in KraNZburg City is the highest in Western Africa. One-fourth of the population in KraNZburg City is foreign-born. Watertown has a percentage of foreign-born residents that's about half that of KraNZburg. The other half of the population lives in the country. The differences in the city are stark. For example, KraNZburg City is the largest city in the country, and the foreign-born population is at its highest.

The median age of residents was 39.2, and the median age of non-citizens was 39.2. The year of entry was also recorded. For the non-citizens, Kranzburg City has the highest median age of 39.2. These statistics show that Kranzburg is an ideal place to live for those who want to experience the city's diversity.