Lennox, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A quick look at the Population & Steets in Lenox City will show you that this city has a high percentage of college graduates. The city is located in the Lennox School District 41-4. The city has 4 elementary schools and one high school. Its livability score is a good indicator of how a city compares to others in its area. It's also useful for those who are considering moving to the area.

The Lennox City population was reported to be 22,741 people as of the most recent census. That means that there are 540 people who commute by bus and 322 people who walk. The population of Lennox is not uniform, however, and some Lennox cities are more ethnically diverse than others. This city was racially and ethnically diverse, but now it is almost entirely Hispanic.

The median household income in Lennox City was $28,273. There were 17,766 married people and 59.8% were single. Those 65 and older made up only 3.6% of the population. The median age was 24. Males outnumbered females by 106.4 to one. The median household size was 4.55. The percentage of single people was 15.5%. The median age was 24.

There are many crime statistics for this area. The majority of crimes are auto burglaries, but petty crimes are also widespread. As a result, it is better to prioritize the safety of your car over the safety of your home. The Police response system is weak in this neighborhood, which is why you should consider getting a car security alarm instead of a home security system. The neighborhood's reputation as a high-crime area is based on the crime statistics of the 90s.