Menno, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Menno is approximately 601 people. The median household income is $33,315 per year. The poverty rate is 14.9%. There are many ways to determine the safety of your neighborhood. The map below provides the number of violent crimes per capita. The red areas do not necessarily mean a dangerous neighborhood. Instead, they are areas of the city that have relatively few people. You should take precautions when walking around in this area.

The early settlers of Menno City came from Russia. Many came from Kassel in the Black Sea. They settled in sod houses and were escaping oppression and the Russian armed forces. Today, most people in Menno City are descendants of these early immigrants. It is the largest city in the county. Its population is primarily white. But a few people are ethnically Chinese.