Mission Hill, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the population and steets in Mission Hill City? This article will provide you with this information. You can also check out the other neighborhoods that are located in Boston by following these links. You can also check out the schools that are located in this city. Mission Hill was once part of Roxbury and it was annexated to Boston. Before the annexation, it was called Parker Hill and was known as a neighborhood with Native American names. The area's development began around the turn of the twentieth century, with the renaissance in Queen Anne style. The neighborhoods of Mission Hill are slowly becoming independent. The majority of government, commercial, and institutional entities in the city are located in Mission Hill.

In 2015, the median household income in Mission Hill was $32,103. This was lower than the median income in the city of Boston, which was $55,777. Approximately 88% of Mission Hill residents lived in households, with 37% being families. The remainder of residents lived in college dormitaries or other institutions. The percentage of residents who owned a vehicle was 44%, which was lower than the city of Boston.

The average homeowner in Mission Hill, SD pays a property tax rate in the $800 - $1499 range. The neighborhood is considered a mix of ethnicities and has a population that reflects its diverse population. Approximately 74% of the population is white, and the rest is Hispanic. Approximately 10% of the population is Mexican. The average house price in Mission Hill, SD is $58,500.