Onida, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in finding out the Population & Steets of Onida City, Georgia, you've come to the right place. Our population data is updated monthly, and you can even download your own copy to see what is happening in your city. Onida is home to approximately 750 people, with a median household income of $58,750. To help you get the full picture of the population in Onida, Georgia, please take a few moments to read the following information:

Oneida City's overall area is 22.1 square miles (57.8 km2), with only 0.1 square miles (2.6 km2) of water. This town is located in central New York, west of the Adirondack Mountains. It is also located just southeast of Oneida Lake, the largest lake in New York. The population of Oneida City is primarily white, although many are Hispanic or Asian.

The median age of residents in Onida City was 42.7 years, with 18.7% of households containing children under the age of 18. Twenty-five percent of households were headed by married couples. Another seventeen percent were headed by a woman without her husband present. The other thirty-two percent were made up of non-families, while 12.4% of households contained a senior. Onida City has an average household size of 2.47 people.

The United States Census Bureau estimates that the population of Onida will be around 634 by 2020. That puts the city in the 96th spot out of 29322 places in the U.S. As far as population, Onida is estimated to grow at a rate of 0.00 percent a year. The city's median gross rent is $524 per month.