Peever, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Peever City, South Dakota is approximately 167 people. Approximately 0.0% of residents are Black, 0.0% are Asian, and 4.2% are Hispanic or Latino. American Indians comprise 75.5% of the population, while the remaining 0.0% are of other races. Peever is home to an active military base. The nearest major airport is located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, which is approximately a half-hour drive away.

Those looking for a new place to live should look into the local crime and residential fire statistics. These statistics will show you the general state of Peever property, community safety resources, and the types of crimes that are common in the area. You may also want to look into the general types of crime in Peever, like property crimes and vehicle theft. A map of Peever City, South Dakota, can be found online.

Peever, SD's ZIP code is 57257. Using the ZIP code, you can copy your mail to this address. You'll need to include your street address and telephone number. After copying this information, you can use the postal code to send and receive mail. The post office in Peever is located at 115 South Dakota Highway, Peever, SD. In the meantime, you can copy the following address format for mail.