Platte, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You might be wondering, "How big is Platte City?" It is a large city complex on the Missouri-Kansas border with a population of 4,969 people. And while it is not an extremely large city, it is still growing fast and has experienced a 7.5% population growth since 2020. Here are some facts about this Missouri city:

The median household income in Platte City is $34,248. This is about $48,000. Compared to other US cities, Platte City, MO has a higher median income than other American cities. However, the median home price in Platte City is $275,000, so it might be a good idea to start by shopping around. For example, if you are looking for a house in Platte City, MO, you can choose to rent it or buy it. However, you might have to pay a monthly fee to get it.

There are two major highways in and out of Platte City. Highway 92 connects Platte City to Tracy, which is three-quarters of a mile northwest of the city. The city was first platted in the spring of 1870. It is located at Sec. 23, Twp. 51 N. R. 35W, and is on Highway T between N and 9.

The city's demographics are quite varied. According to the 2000 census, 37.1% of its residents were under the age of 18, while 8.8% were between 18 and 24, 25-44, and 45-64. Another 10.1% were 65 years old or older. The median age was 33 years old. The median household size was 2.48, while the median family size was 2.99. There were many different ways to look at Platte City, so be sure to browse the website for more information.