Porcupine, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information is provided to help you learn about the Population & Steets in Porcabine City, Michigan. You can find the population by viewing maps and using Google or Wikipedia to help you find out more about the city. Porcupine's population is primarily white. However, a large number of people from other ethnic groups and countries live here. If you are curious about the population of Porcupine, you can explore its diverse history, culture, and geography.

The ZIP Code for Porcupine City is 57772. It belongs to the Multi-county area. To find out the ZIP Code for any address, enter the address. Alternatively, you can use Quick Select to find the zip code for a specific street address. Once you have the street address, you can use the US zip code to look up the city's population and other vital statistics.

The health unit in Porcupine has reported 81 new cases of COVID-19 today. Among those who have been infected, one was in the 80+ age category. The number of recoveries is at 198, making the province's total case count less than 900. In Porcupine City, there are approximately 1,500 residents. Its population is comprised of a large number of people who live in a rural area.