Rosholt, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Roshole City, Wisconsin: These are the numbers that should be on your mind when you're considering moving to this community. If you're interested in finding out more about the community, you can read on below to learn more. The population of Rosholt is currently around 98.6% US citizens, up from 98.4% in the year 2000. There are a few notable differences, however, between Rosholt and other nearby towns. The population of Rosholt is overwhelmingly American, with a high percentage of military personnel and veterans residing in the area.

Rosholt is home to a few notable historical events. The first mill in the area burned in 1901, but was rebuilt three years later. On June 1, 1903, J.G. Rosholt requested the first survey of the town. The town incorporated in 1907, and it was named after its founder, J.G. Rosholt. The first sawmill in the town was built in 1884 by John Gilbert Rosholt, who shared water rights with Rasmussen.

The population of Rosholt is approximately 6,000. This city is in South Dakota. It may have other names, including Rapid City and Rhinelander. You can find the current zip code by entering your current address. Please remember that the information on this page is historical and provided for educational and research purposes. You should always verify the information before making a decision to move to Rosholt City, SD.