Tuthill, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you're planning a move to Tuthill City, you'll want to look at the population and steets in the area. The population and steets data on this page is derived from the American Community Survey, Census of Population and Housing, Current Population Survey, and Small Area Health Insurance Estimates. In addition, the data also comes from county business patterns, nonemployer statistics, and survey of business owners.

To help residents navigate Tuthill City, the MCDOT has categorized several streets as Roads of Regional Significance (RRS). RRSs are secondary roads that supplement the freeway system and are given priority for improvement. The ultimate design standard for urban RRSs is a six-lane divided roadway with 140 feet of right-of-way. This study identifies a number of significant recommendations for Tuthill Road/Jackrabbit Trail as Primary Roadways.

The 1992 Area Plan included historic and projected population data, which have been updated by the U.S. Census. Future population and housing trends are also discussed. The population in the original planning area is higher than that projected in Table 3, but the numbers for the extended area are lower. The planning area also includes a portion of the Estrella Mountain Ranch community. Higher density residential subdivisions in that area add to the population in the Rainbow Valley area.