Viborg, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you've ever wondered about the demographics of Viborg City, you're not alone. There are a number of people from other countries who call Denmark home. Viborg's population is made up of mostly white non-Hispanic residents. The city is also home to 18 American Indian and Alaska Native (non-Hispanic) people. And there are four Black or African American residents. Viborg is not a Hispanic city, but it is a beautiful place to visit.

Listed below are the various racial and ethnic groups living below the poverty line in Viborg, SD. The most common employment sectors in Viborg include Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Construction. If you are looking for employment in Viborg, you should consider starting your research by finding out how many people live below the poverty line in your community. The data on poverty in Viborg, SD is based on employment, so the poverty rate in one neighborhood may be higher than in another.

The population of Viborg is estimated to be 37 309 in 2022. The city is one of the most populous in Denmark, coming in at 18th place overall. Obtaining reliable statistics about the population of any city in Denmark is easier than ever with the help of Population HUB. The site is fast, and its data is updated regularly, making it a perfect resource for people looking for detailed information on a city.