Wetonka, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Wetonka, SD, the most common racial groups are White, Black, and Native American. This is because of the diversity of the population and the nature of the city's economy. The census reports that the most common occupations are Material-Moving Occupations. Below are some facts about the local area that may surprise you. In addition to the population and the steets of Wetonka, SD, the most common jobs are in manufacturing, material-moving occupations, and construction.

The median home value in Wetonka, SD is N/A, indicating that property values have increased by N/A in the last year. The homeownership rate in Wetonka, SD is 100%, which is much higher than the national average of 64.1%. While most people in Wetonka, SD work alone, they typically drive alone. The average commute time is 25.5 minutes, and four out of every five people own their own vehicle.

The population in Wetonka City was 7,709 people, and the median age was 38. The city was home to 1,797 households with children under 18 living with them. Another 16.5% of households were headed by a female without a husband, while another 16.5% were headed by a senior. The median age was 38, and there were 62.1 males for every 100 females.

In Wetonka, SD, the average household income is $32,403 and the median family income is $41,500. The median income for both males and females is lower than the national average. A map showing the median household income of Wetonka, SD will help you see where people live in the city. If you live in Wetonka, SD, you'll find yourself in one of these households.