Whitewood, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Whitewood City? There are a number of reasons for this, but we'll focus on the most important one first: how many people live in the city? While the exact numbers are difficult to find, we can provide an idea of the average household income. This figure is useful in determining the affordability of housing in the city. Compared to the state's average rent burden of 26.0%, Whitewood's rent burden is lower than that of neighboring towns like Torrington and Gordon. This means that 31.4% of households are renting.

The median property value in Whitewood, SD was $114,400. The median household income in the city was $41,786. The poverty rate was 12.0%. Residents in the city primarily commute by car. Approximately 80.8% of them commute by foot. Overall, Whitewood has a population of 1.1k people. Most of the residents are American citizens. Approximately 0.815% were born outside the U.S.

The WHITEWOOD ZIP Code contains information on the population, schools, libraries, museums, hospitals, and universities. In addition to the population, the ZIP code can be used to find a residence's address or find the nearest airport. The WHITEWOOD ZIP Code plus four represents the area surrounding a particular address. If you want to explore the area and get a feel for the people in Whitewood, SD, you can use this list to determine how close the cities are.