Wounded Knee, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Wounded Knee City, SD is composed of White, Black and Native American individuals. The poverty level is approximately 69%, and is lower than the national average of 67.7%. The median household income is $49,390. In Wounded Knee, SD, 93% of people have health insurance, either through employer-provided plans, Medicaid, or Medicare. The most common means of transportation are car, public transit, or other means of transportation.

The Siege at Wounded Knee took place during the American Indian civil rights movement. Similar tactics were used to compel African Americans to integrate into American society. The American Indians, however, wanted to remain Indians on their own land. Despite the protests, the federal government eventually decided to take action. As a result, the Siege at Wounded Knee began. There were many reasons for this, but some of the primary causes were internal corruption and a lack of input by the tribal members.

In the aftermath of the Siege at Wounded Knee, AIM activists traded gunfire with federal marshals around the Wounded Knee settlement. In one instance, they fired on low-flying airplanes, and others were killed. The AIM members then went on to take hostages and pillage a grocery store. They prepared for the worst and knew the meaning of Wounded Knee.