Allardt, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Allardt, Tennessee, is a city in Tennessee. The population of the city is 610 people, with a median household income of $39,145. This city also has a high poverty rate, which is approximately 7.4%. To learn more about the area's economy, read the following population and steets statistics. You can also look up other important statistics about the city.

In the Allardt neighborhood, nearly 39% of the population works in professional, executive, and managerial positions. Twenty-seven percent of the population is employed in sales and service positions, which includes jobs with major accounts or fast-food restaurants. A relatively small portion of the population is employed in clerical, assistant, and tech support positions. Allardt has a high percentage of English-speaking residents, and 99.4% of households speak English.

The majority of households in Allardt, TN drive alone to work. The rest of the residents carpooled or rode public transportation. These statistics show that Americans are more evenly distributed in Allardt than in the rest of the country. In addition, this neighborhood has fewer people and plenty of space. The neighborhood's high percentage of car ownership is an indication that the area is less crowded than most areas in the United States.

Allardt, TN is home to a large number of Vietnam veterans. The median household income of residents in Allardt, TN is $44,531, which is about 0.581 times less than the national average. A quarter of the population is considered to be below the poverty line, with 16.2% of the population living below the poverty line. Almost half of the households in Allardt own two cars.