Apison, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A quick look at Apison TN's population and steets can give you some insight into the economic climate of this small Midwestern city. The median household income in Apison is $56,905, making it relatively affordable for most people to live in this community. There are about 40.3% of residents who work and commute to work. Whether you have a car or don't have one, here are some basic statistics to help you make your decision.

The median age of residents in Apison, TN was 50.1 in 2019, with both native-born and foreign-born citizens being over the age of 34. Apison's average age was 47 years old in 2018, indicating that the community is growing older. Ninety-seven percent of Apison residents were born outside the US, with Mexico being the most common foreign-born origin country in Tennessee. Other foreign-born ancestry groups represented by Apison residents are Ireland, Mexico, and Canada.

The population of Apison, TN is composed of 2.59k people of all races. The most prevalent races are White, with 4.2% of the population identifying as Hispanic. There are also 18 residents of other races. While Apison, TN is mostly white, there is also a large Asian population. The number of people of different races varies significantly by region. The median household income in Apison, TN is $65,712 and is only 4.1% lower than the average national income.

Aside from the median age of residents, Apison's population is made up of 46.3% men and 53.7% women. The median income per capita is $45,586. US-born citizens make up the majority of the population, while non-US-born citizens make up the remainder. In 2016, Donald J. Trump won the popular vote in Tennessee, while Hillary Rodham Clinton finished second with 38.8% and Other took third place.