Beersheba Springs, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What Is the Population & Steets in Beershedba Springs City? There are some factors to consider when determining a city's population and steets. The number of evictions is also a significant factor to consider. While some people may be evicted for code violations, others are simply not paying their rent on time. A high number of evictions is usually a sign of a deteriorating economy.

Robbery rates vary widely within the city. In the south, your robbery risk may be 1 in 305, while in the north, your robbery risk is one in 357. The results are not intuitive, but in general, the north of Beersheba Springs is less dangerous. Overall, the city's robbery rate is 2.88 per 1,000 residents per year.

The crime rate in Beersheba Springs is significantly lower than in other Rural and statewide areas, but almost half of the population worries about safety. Overall, the school system in Beersheba Springs ranks well, both nationally and statewide. Public school graduation rates, enrollment rates, teacher-to-student ratios, student-parent reviews, and other factors are taken into account when determining a city's livability rating.

The poverty rate is high in Beersheba Springs, TN. The median household income in Beersheba Springs is $25,250. The area's low poverty rate (0.4%) means that most people will either walk or drive to work. The rate of walking to work in Beersheba Springs is above the national average. The median household income in Beersheba Springs is less than half of the national average, which indicates that the city is very affordable for most people.