Briceville, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in knowing the population and steets of Briceville City, Tennessee, you have come to the right place. We have the latest information on the people, housing, schools, and economy of this area. Check out this list of things you should know before you move there! This list has been created to help you find the details you are looking for. It is updated yearly.

The median household income in Briceville is $0, and the median individual income is $0. There are 0% of residents who have attended college and 0% who are graduate school-educated. The median home price in Briceville is $359692, making it affordable for almost anyone. Despite its small size, the city is home to many single-families and couples. The schools in Briceville are primarily for children.

Crossville is located in Cumberland County, Tennessee. Its population was 10,795 at the 2010 census. Besides being a county seat, it also serves as a large industrial center. It is located near Nashville International Airport. It is also near Lee University, Roane State Community College, and Cleveland State University. If you are interested in furthering your education, you can go to Tennessee Technology Center at Crossville.