Burlison, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population of Burlison City? According to the US Census Bureau, there were 7,610 households in Burlison City in 2010. The population of Burlison City is spread out over a variety of demographic categories. The largest demographic category is married couples, which make up 64.9% of the households. There were also 11.2% of households in which the female householder was living alone. Another category that includes non-families is 21.4%. A total of 287 households included unmarried partners, which are heterosexual couples, and 26 same-sex female households. The remaining households consisted of individuals, with a population of 7.3% of 65 or older. The average size of a household was 2.74 people, with an average family size of three.

The Burlison City population is spread out across a region in northeast Texas. Residents are proud of their heritage and the low cost of living. However, this area has grown substantially over the last decade, with an estimated 11,000 new residents since 2010. Businesses are encouraged to set up shop in Burlison, as the community offers both a skilled and unskilled workforce. The city is also home to many diverse organizations.

In 1904, Burlison City had a population of 368. By the 1920s, the population had decreased to 241. It grew to 2,345 by the end of the decade, and was home to several cotton gin-gristmills. The town also had a newspaper, the Burleson Banner, and waterworks. The population relied less on agriculture and more on business in 1960, with sixty-two businesses and seven manufacturers.