Collegedale, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Collegedale, Tennessee is a mixed mix. The majority of residents are white, while 4.8% are black and 1.4% are Hispanic. The median household income in Collegedale is $63,367, and the average household income is $77,631. The median home ownership rate in Collegedale is 67%, and nearly 40% of residents have completed high school. Nevertheless, many Collegedale residents do not have college degrees, which is a potential problem if you're considering this area as your target market.

Cost of living in Collegedale is lower than the national average. While the percentage of homeowners is lower than in neighboring cities, it is still relatively low. The overall cost of housing, utilities, groceries, and miscellaneous items is lower than the national average. The median home value in Collegedale is equal to the national average, and the average household has two cars. The median home price in Collegedale is about $229,000.

Originally a Seventh Day Adventist community, the town's population has diversified since its establishment in 1968. Although the city's early founders focused on a particular religious aspect, the current commission members have strived to make the city more inclusive of all religious affiliations. It has also been named one of the fastest growing cities in the state. If you're interested in learning more about the residents of Collegedale, you can view the latest demographic statistics on the City's website.