Copperhill, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Copperill City, Tennessee are a good measure of the area's quality of life. The overall cost of living in Copperhill is significantly lower than the national average. Although some areas have higher costs than others, Copperhill's costs of utilities, groceries, transportation, and many other goods are lower than the national average. Read on for more details. The following table shows the population and steets of Copperhill, Tennessee.

The Census Bureau provides a breakdown of the racial makeup of the population in the United States. Copperhill is home to many young people who are either single or just starting out in life. The median age of the population is 44. The average family size is 2.8 members, including children and parents. According to the Census Bureau, the population of Copperhill is 13112 people, which is just shy of the national average. Nevertheless, there are some interesting stats regarding the diversity of this town.

The highest percentage of foreign-born citizens is found in Copperhill, Tennessee, at 8.2%. This percentage is much higher than the national average of 13.5%, but this isn't surprising considering that Copperhill is a relatively small city. The poverty rate is 42.1%, compared to the national average of 10-13%. And if you're looking for an example of low income, consider the fact that there are more poor people living in Copperhill, TN than the average American city.