Cowan, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Cowan City is just 1,436 people. The median household income in this city is $30,417. You may wonder what the poverty rate is like in this city. There are also various schools in the area, as well as a museum. You can learn more about Cowan by checking out its schools page. It's also possible to view the school's address and state.

The population of Cowan is diverse. There are people from Chinese, Filipino, and American Indian descent. The majority of residents speak English in the home. However, many also speak Tagalog, the first language of the Philippines. Those with mixed ancestry should consider moving to this neighborhood. It's safe to say that it's not as safe as other areas in Cowan. The area around the city's major transportation hub, however, is safer than many other areas.

The residential real estate in this neighborhood is largely from the 1970s. The older homes in this area don't have sidewalks, and the majority of homes in Cowan Heights were built in that period. Despite the low poverty rate, it's still considered an expensive neighborhood to live in. However, many residents opt to renovate and add on rooms. This makes the Cowan Heights area a good place for families looking for a home with a view.

The population of Cowan city, Tennessee is 1,025 people. As of the last census, 19.2% of residents are 65 years and older. There are several races in the Cowan area: 88.5% White, 8.0% Black, 2.1% Two or More Races, 1.1% Hispanic, and 0.3% American Indian. The town's population is diverse. Its local economy is mainly based on railroads, but a historic passenger depot was restored and is a main feature of the downtown area.