Cumberland Gap, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population of Cumberland Gap? There are a few factors you should consider before moving to this small Tennessee town. While poverty rates are lower in this small town, the average poverty rate for the United States is between 10 and 13%. This means that if you are looking to buy a home in Cumberland Gap, the area is a good option for you.

The Cumberland Gap population is much younger than the United States overall. In fact, the median age of residents is only 25.3 years, almost a full twelve years younger than the national median age of 37. However, that doesn't mean the area is unrepresentative of any particular race, since people of different races live in different parts of the town. If you want to know how diverse Cumberland Gap is, check out the data provided in this article.

The population of a city is an important indicator of the quality of neighborliness. In Cumberland Gap City, 64% of the population is renter-occupied. While the quality of life in a place is subjective, a walkable city is an advantage. For others, it's about nature, open space, and quiet. However, there are many factors to consider when deciding where to buy a home in Cumberland Gap.

The population of Cumberland Gap City, TN, was 494 in 2010. It is located near the Cumberland-Gap National Historical Park. You may be interested in learning more about the history of the area and its famous mountain pass. For your own peace of mind, try exploring the town by day or weekend. While you're there, don't miss the opportunity to check out the Tazewell Motor Speedway.