Doyle, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will discuss the Population & Steets of Doyle City, CA. The population of Doyle, CA is 622 people, and the median home value is $135,200. Its homeownership rate is 87.4%. As for transportation, most people in Doyle, CA drive alone to work. The median car ownership per household is 3 cars. About 0% of the people in Doyle were born outside of the United States.

As for income, males in Doyle, CA make an average income of $62,156, which is 0.499 times higher than the national average. A majority of people live in households with an income greater than $25,000 per year. In Doyle, CA, there are 274 people employed in the public sector. There are 95 people working in construction, 51 in Public Administration, and 40 in Health Care & Social Assistance. The average salary in these sectors is $50938 per person.

While White residents make up the majority of the population in Doyle, Hispanics and Blacks are the two largest racial groups. The median home price in Doyle is $132,700, and its home appreciation rate over the last decade is 5.8%. Doyle has a low unemployment rate, and residents who have a high credit score are likely to be employed. So, if you're looking for a home in the Doyle area, don't wait. Get started today!

When looking for a home in Doyle, CA, consider the rent burden. Rent burden is a useful indicator of affordability. It shows the proportion of household income that goes toward paying rent. In Doyle, it is slightly lower than the average of 33.7% in California, while nearby cities, such as Sparks and Minden, have a lower rent burden. The average household size in Doyle is 2.37, and there are 0.99 males per females.