Gainesboro, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The median household income in Gainesboro, Tennessee is $26,250. This figure is lower than the average income of $65,712 for the United States. This area has a high percentage of single mothers and low-income families. The population of Gainesboro is composed of 270 households. The largest industry in the city is Manufacturing, which employs 32 people. The lowest-paying industry is Educational Services, which employs 28 people.

The racial makeup of the city is reflected in the racial composition. Areas with dark shades indicate a larger racial majority. The diversity index for Gainesboro includes racial diversity maps. A high diversity index scores a city as more ethnically diverse. Areas with green colors are more diverse, while red areas are less diverse. Diversity means that people of different races and ethnicities live next to each other.

The rent burden is a measure of the proportion of household income spent on rental housing. It's helpful to understand if a city's population can afford to live in it. Gainesboro's rent burden is less than the rent burden in neighboring cities, such as Red Boiling Springs and Livingston. Gainesboro's rent burden is lower than the state average of 30.3%, which is lower than the state average of 35.3%.

The crime grade in Gainesboro City shows which areas are safe, and which areas are dangerous. The red areas are dangerous, while yellow and orange are considered moderately safe. The crime rate is higher in these areas than in other parts of the city, but crime does happen everywhere. Located in the 27th percentile, they are a relatively safe place to live in. For this reason, it is important to research crime levels in Gainesboro City.